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Cookie Policy

Cookie Policy La presente Cookie Policy è relativa al sito (“Sito”) gestito e operato dalla società D.M.F. Srl, con sede legale in Via G. Tiraboschi 75, 24122 Bergamo – Italia I cookies sono piccoli file di testo inviati all’utente…


DMFNEWMEDIA.IT Informazioni sul trattamento dei tuoi dati personali da parte di D.M.F. s.r.l. INTRODUZIONE I tuoi dati personali sono importanti per noi. Intendiamo raccoglierli, gestirli e conservarli con cura, attenzione, precisione e, soprattutto, nel massimo rispetto dei tuoi diritti e…


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Markup: HTML Tags and Formatting

Headings Header one Header two Header three Header four Header five Header six Blockquotes Single line blockquote: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Multi line blockquote with a cite reference: People think focus means saying yes to the thing you’ve got to…

Markup: Image Alignment

Welcome to image alignment! The best way to demonstrate the ebb and flow of the various image positioning options is to nestle them snuggly among an ocean of words. Grab a paddle and let’s get started. On the topic of…

Markup: Text Alignment

Default This is a paragraph. It should not have any alignment of any kind. It should just flow like you would normally expect. Nothing fancy. Just straight up text, free flowing, with love. Completely neutral and not picking a side…

Template: Sticky

This is a sticky post. There are a few things to verify: The sticky post should be distinctly recognizable in some way in comparison to normal posts. You can style the .sticky class if you are using the post_class() function to generate…